Friendswood: (281) 482-2640        –        Texas City: (409) 943-5767

Early Treatment

Early intervention is critical

The earlier we catch any problems with your child’s bite, the easier they are to fix!

For children as early as age seven, we can address potential problems before they turn into challenges later in life. Early orthodontic treatment can also shorten treatment time in the future, such as if braces are needed during the later adolescent years.

You may wonder why the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) recommends a visit to the orthodontics at age seven. At that age, the first adult molars come in and the back bite is established. We can then evaluate your child’s bite, both front-to-back and side-to-side.

Early intervention allows to do the following

  • Make room for the permanent teeth when there is overcrowding
  • Ensure facial symmetry
  • Reduce the risk of broken teeth, since protruding teeth are more likely to get broken
  • A healthier mouth since crowded teeth can be hard to brush avoiding cavities and gum disease


Also, early treatment reduces the need to remove teeth and decreases the time patients must wear braces. Though some people do not believe in orthodontic treatment, without it you may have to deal with the following problems according to AAO studies:

  • Crossbites can result in unfavorable growth and uneven tooth wear.
  • Open bites can result in tongue-thrusting habits and speech impediments.


On the contrary, with orthodontic treatment you may have the following benefits:

  • A healthier mouth since crowded teeth can be hard to brush causing cavities and gum disease.
  • Fewer broken teeth since protruding teeth are more likely to get broken.


We know that you would not settle for anything else than excellence for your little ones, and that is why we would love to assist you. don’t hesitate to contact us today at (281) 482-2640 (Friendswood) or (409) 943-5767 (Texas City).

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